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Linux Configuration

Running the node via service file

To run your node via systemd, create the service file and open it:

nano /lib/systemd/system/ceremonyclient.service

Paste the below code (If your working directory is different from "root" than edit the code accordingly):

Description=Ceremony Client Go App Service



Save the file, exit and enable the service:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl enable ceremonyclient

Start the node

service ceremonyclient start

Now the node will start automaytically after each reboot. The service uses the script, so it will also periodically check for new releases.

If you prefer to run the node directly via binary, you can simply change the ExecStart line of the service file and use the correct binary file name there.

Useful node commands

Service commands

The below commands will work when running a node via service file

Start service

service ceremonyclient start

Stop service

service ceremonyclient stop

Restart service

service ceremonyclient restart

Node log

sudo journalctl -u ceremonyclient.service -f --no-hostname -o cat

Node version

journalctl -u ceremonyclient -r --no-hostname  -n 1 -g "Quilibrium Node" -o cat

Service status

service ceremonyclient status

General Linux commands

Change the NODE_DIR variable according to your needs

Get your peerID

NODE_BINARY=$(find "$NODE_DIR" -type f -executable -name "node-*" ! -name "*.dgst*" ! -name "*.sig*" | sort -V | tail -n 1 | xargs basename)
cd "$HOME/ceremonyclient/node" && ./$NODE_BINARY -peer-id

See node info
PeerID - Version - Max frame - Balance
This can give an error on nodes that are not fully sync, but you will still see your peerID

NODE_BINARY=$(find "$NODE_DIR" -type f -executable -name "node-*" ! -name "*.dgst*" ! -name "*.sig*" | sort -V | tail -n 1 | xargs basename)
cd "$HOME/ceremonyclient/node" && ./$NODE_BINARY -node-info

Check balance

NODE_BINARY=$(find "$NODE_DIR" -type f -executable -name "node-*" ! -name "*.dgst*" ! -name "*.sig*" | sort -V | tail -n 1 | xargs basename)
cd "$HOME/ceremonyclient/node" && ./$NODE_BINARY -balance