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Advanced Configuration

Configuration is managed via the config.yml file, located in the config directory either specified at runtime or defaulting to the .config/ folder in the node project.

If there are multiple options listed for a configuration value, the first one is the default value.

Key Section

The key section specifies the key provider configuration:

keyManagerType: file | mem | pkcs11 | rpc
path: .config/keys.yml | <string>
createIfMissing: false | true
encryptionKey: <hex string>
libraryPath: <string>
slot: <int>
slotIndex: <int>
promptPassword: false | true
listenMultiaddr: <multiaddr>

By default, the file-based key manager is specified. Support for PKCS11 and RPC will be enabled in a subsequent upgrade.

Peer-to-Peer Networking Section

The p2p section specifies general connectivity and BlossomSub-specific parameters:

d: 6 | <int> – optimal degree of peers per bitmask
dLo: 5 | <int> – lower bound of D, will attempt to graft new peers if below
dHi: 12 | <int> – upper bound of D, will prune if above
dScore: 4 | <int> – score metric used for pruning peers
dOut: 2 | <int> – outbound connection quota
historyLength: 5 | <int> – size of the message cache
historyGossip: 3 | <int> – size of retained gossiped message hashes
dLazy: 6 | <int> – number of peers gossip will be emitted to per heartbeat
gossipFactor: 0.25 | <float> – the factor applied to dLazy
gossipRetransmission: 3 | <int> – how many times a peer is allowed to re-request a message
heartbeatInitialDelay: 100000000 | <int> – the initial delay for a heartbeat (ns)
heartbeatInterval: 1000000000 | <int> – the interval between heartbeats (ns)
fanoutTTL: 60000000000 | <int> – TTL of fanout state (ns)
prunePeers: 16 | <int> – number of peers to retain for peer exchange
pruneBackoff: 60000000000 | <int> - amount of time a pruned peer must stay pruned
unsubscribeBackoff: 10000000000 | <int> – amount of time a peer should not resubscribe to a bitmask
connectors: 8 | <int> – number of active connection attempts for peer exchange
maxPendingConnections: 128 | <int> – number of pending connections
connectionTimeout: 30000000000 | <int> – timeout for attempting a connection
directConnectTicks: 300 | <int> – number of heartbeat ticks for reconnecting to a direct peer
directConnectInitialDelay: 1000000000 | <int> – initial delay before connecting to a direct peer
opportunisticGraftTicks: 60 | <int> – number of heartbeat ticks for attempting to opportunistically graft
opportunisticGraftPeers: 2 | <int> – number of peers to opportunistically graft
graftFloodThreshold: 10000000000 | <int> – threshold for graft messages after prune
maxIHaveLength: 5000 | <int> – maximum ihave messages to provide to a peer
maxIHaveMessages: 10 | <int> – maximum ihave messages to accept from a peer
iWantFollowupTime: 3000000000 | <int> – time to wait for an ihave following an iwant announcement
bootstrapPeers: [<multiaddr>,...] – list of multiaddrs to use for bootstrapping the DHT
listenMultiaddr: <multiaddr> – the multiaddr to listen on
peerPrivKey: <hex string> | <string> – the private key for the node's networking, or named reference
traceLogFile: <string> | "" – the path of the p2p networking log file, used for debugging
minPeers: 6 | <int> – the number of peers to maintain for non-BlossomSub networking

Engine Section

The engine section specifies attributes which define protocol engine defaults.

provingKeyId: <string> – the identifier of the proving key, retrieved by the key manager
filter: <hex string> – the section of the bloom filter the node will listen to
genesisSeed: <hex string> – the seed value used for the first frame
maxFrames: – the maximum number of frames to retain
pendingCommitWorkers: – the number of goroutines used to perform worker operations

Database Section

The database section specifies configurations of the underlying store.

path: .config/store/ | <string>

Additional Fields

This section denotes all additional configuration values at the root of the config file.

logFile: <string> - the path to the log file for the node
listenGrpcMultiaddr: <multiaddr> - the multiaddr this node will listen on for gRPC calls
listenRESTMultiaddr: <multiaddr> - the multiaddr this node listen on for REST requests

2.0 Combined Seniority Prover Keys


When 2.0 is released, there will be a 24 hour stasis lock where no actions on the network can take place, and no tokens can be moved. This is the ideal time to perform prover key combination (merging), as there is ample time to get ahead of prover enrollment without being late to the stasis unlock. Merging can be done after the unlock period, but if you are running the auto-upgrade script, you will want to be sure to do this before the stasis lock period ends, as once keys have been enrolled for a prover, they cannot be merged, and the node will do this automatically after the stasis lock is lifted. QClient binaries will be simultaneously available with the updated node software, and the latest releases for qclient can always be found at

The upgrade to 2.0 introduces the concept of seniority with respect to precedence in joining prover rings. Seniority is a special global-level value which the network uses to resolve conflicts on enrollment attempts on a prover ring. During the first 24 hours of the upgrade's release, no transactions can happen on the network, and no prover ring enrollment occurs. Afterwards, when the network is unlocked, nodes will automatically attempt to join the prover rings they are capable of supporting, based on the data workers of the node. This process requires no action on the part of the node operator, unless you specifically wish to combine keys previously used to increase seniority.

If you are upgrading to 2.0 and wish to combine historic keys from different eras of the network for improved seniority, you will need:

  • For keys prior to 1.4.19, the config.yml and keys.yml files in the .config folder
  • After 1.4.19, the entire .config folder

Note, you can only combine one set of keys from 1.4.19 and above with older keys, and seniority of the older keys is not a pure summation – overlapping ranges are not counted multiple times, and their use for prover enrollment can only occur once (you cannot use older keys twice for multiple sets of 1.4.19 keys). If you use multiple sets of keys from after 1.4.19, only one will be used for seniority for post-1.4.19 seniority.

Each bundle of keys/store files should live in separate folders (e.g. 1.4.19 config in .config/, older keys in .config1/, .config2/, .config3/).

Merging keys with qclient

For the example provided, it is assumed qclient lives in the client/ folder alongside the node/ folder where the .config*/ folders are contained:

qclient config prover merge ../node/.config ../node/.config1 ../node/.config2 ../node/.config3

Be sure to restart your node after running this command.

The 1.4.19+ config folder should be the first folder in this series.

To see what seniority this combination yields (minus the effective range for the 1.4.19+ keys, which is determined after stasis unlock) without making permanent changes, append --dry-run to the end of the command.

Merging keys in the config.yml file

Under the engine section noted above, add the optional field multisigProverEnrollmentPaths:

# ... other items omitted ...
multisigProverEnrollmentPaths: [

Be sure to restart your node after making this configuration change.